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妈湾港 (PMCW妈湾港)

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福建中科云杉信息技术有限公司    联系:13850072611()

发布日期:2023-04-18  浏览次数:69


妈湾港 (Mawan Port) 位于中国广东省珠海市香洲区 珠海湾海域内,是一个重要的深水港口,提供集装箱和散货处理服务。港口建设开始于 2009 年,目前已经完成了 三期总投资约 120 亿元,平均每年加工吞吐量超过 1300 万吨。港口的东侧连接至 珠海香洲经济区,西侧连接至 珠海陆地边界,而南侧与长隆海洋王国主题公园相连接。

妈湾港覆盖面积约 2.2 平方公里,其中码头长度共计 2 千米。港口被 positioning as an "inland harbor facing the world",以服务华南乃至全球市场为目标。港口拥有 6 台大型龙门起重机和 16 台数量较小的起重机,同时还备有各种技术处理设备。



The port has a deep-water berthing capacity of up to 17.5 meters, allowing it to accommodate some of the world's largest container vessels. It has a total of seven berths, with a combined quay length of 2,400 meters. The port also boasts highly efficient cargo handling equipment, including gantry cranes, rubber-tired gantry cranes, and straddle carriers.

PMCW Ma Wan Port's strategic location and state-of-the-art facilities make it an ideal transshipment hub for the Greater Bay Area. It provides seamless connectivity to other ports in the region, including Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Zhuhai. The port's proximity to major trade routes also makes it an attractive location for international shipping lines.

In addition to its core business of cargo handling, PMCW Ma Wan Port is committed to sustainable development. The port has implemented a range of environmentally friendly measures, including the use of shore power to reduce emissions from vessels, and the installation of solar panels to generate renewable energy. The port also has a comprehensive waste management system in place to minimize its impact on the environment.

PMCW Ma Wan Port is a key player in Hong Kong's thriving logistics industry. Its world-class facilities and commitment to sustainability make it a valuable asset to the region's economy.


PMCW(Pioneer Metal Composite Wheel)是一种先进的轮毂材料,其由金属基体与陶瓷材料组成,具有高强度、高温稳定性、抗腐蚀性等特点。妈湾港工业控制是指对工业生产过程进行控制和管理,以确保生产过程的稳定性和安全性。


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